Saturday, January 5, 2013

My sweet Grandma

This last Sunday my wonderful sweet loving Grandma Reed, she suffered from an intense brain tumor. This was a tough battle but she still faces it with a smile. My grandma was the most selfless person I have ever met, she was always serving others.
Some of my favorite memories of my Grandma are when we were little Grandpa would take us fishing and when we came home with all the fish we had caught and once we had gutted it grandma would show us how the best way to cool it would be.
Another one of my favorite things is every night we arrived at her house she would have a mud pie with whip cream and gummy bears set up. It's still one of my favorite desserts.
Just an example of who and what kind of lady my grandma was, was when my parents went to Europe with Karen and Chris they took the whole Thompson family to Death Valley for a week then turned around and came and took all five of us and little Mary. This was a very dirty and extremely hot week, we camped in tents and there was sand everywhere haha during the trip I may not have had the best attitude but looking back it's been one of my most special and funny memories. She put up with 6 stinky dirty children for a week on her birthday of this doesn't show love and selflessness I don't know what is.
I am so thankful for her beauty and love she put into this world, she has truly made me want to become a better person. I love you Grandma thank you for always loving me and being someone I could always look up too, you will be greatly missed but there won't go a day by that I won't think of you. I Love you xoxox